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More Reunited Stories 7

  • Person Looking: A. Clarke
    Person Missing: M. Skuja
    Relationship: Cousin

    Reason for separation: Not known. However within 30 minutes of opening the letter, looking on the 192.com and calling her back, the cousins were talking on the telephone again.

    No. of people reunited: 2+
  • Person Looking: D. Phillips
    Person Missing: D. Matthews
    Relationship: Friends at school

    Reason for separation: They were in touch until the 1960's but lost touch after Mr. Phillips got married.

    No. of people reunited: 2
  • Person Looking: D. Brad
    Person Missing: M. E. Hill
    Relationship: Friends

    Reason for separation: Lost contact when posted to Germany. D. and his wife had had to live apart when he was postedto Germany and M. and his wifewere very kind to her. They lost touch in the mid sixties and as his wife suffered from MS she was unable to remember their surnames. Through 192.com his wife and her friends were reunited in 2001.

    No. of people reunited: 4
  • Person Looking: D. Faulkner
    Person Missing: Y. Hazell / A. H. Faulkner
    Relationship: Daughter and Son

    Reason for separation: He and his wife divorced in 1956 and since then he had lost touch with his children. After putting off searching for them for years due to the fear of rejection, at the age of 75 he read about the successes of Gill through the Daily Mail and it prompted him to write. His children were found and they were reunited through 192.com.

    No. of people reunited: 3
  • Person Looking: Mrs. M. Collings
    Person Missing: J. McAteer
    Relationship: Brother

    Reason for separation: parents separated in 1959, J. went with his dad. M. went with her mum, she last saw him when she was two. The brother and sister are now reunited and all is well.

    No. of people reunited: 2 +
  • Person Looking: S. Thomas
    Person Missing: B. Monaghan
    Relationship: Father

    Reason for separation: Father was not married to mother, S. was born in 1970, and her mother had contact with her father for about two years. She was desperate to make contact with him, as she had never known him and wrote to Gill. Her father was located through 192.com and they have been reunited. He had three brothers and three sisters.

    No. of people reunited: 8
  • Person Looking: Mr. W. Hetherington
    Person Missing: A. J. Carnall
    Relationship: Half-brother

    Reason for separation: A. was unaware of his brother's existence, until he traced his father to Angelesey, his mother and he had had a brief fling in 1928. When he discovered where his father was he also discovered he had a half-brother. But after being too scared to contact him where he lived, he finally plucked up the courage only to discover he was no longer listed in the phone book and he did not know where he lived. His half-brother was traced through 192.com.

    No. of people reunited: 2
  • Person Looking: S. Hill
    Person Missing: J. Cavanagh
    Relationship: Friend

    Reason for separation: S. left the UK to live abroad in 1957, and dearly wanted to make contact with his friend again after all those years. J. was found easily through 192.com and all is well.

    No. of people reunited: 2
  • Person Looking: L. Carey
    Persons Missing: R. Munday / P. Hoban
    Relationship: Service Pals

    Reason for separation: Were in the RAF together but R. returned to the UK before L. and they have not seen each other since the 1950s. A number of his other mates had either passed on or emigrated, but both R. and P. were found and all is well.

    No. of people reunited: 3
  • Person Looking: I. Levisohn
    Person Missing: R. Levisohn
    Relationship: Half-brother

    Reason for separation: Simply lost track owing to I.'s constant moving house dating from 1985. They have now been reunited and all is well.

    No. of people reunited: 2
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9

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