192.com Director Search
192.com gives you access to over 4 million Director Reports for current and inactive directors in the UK. These records detail a director's age, nationality, address and current and previous directorships. The site also links to the company reports for any related companies.
Access Complete Director Profiles
The Director Reports available on 192.com come directly from the Companies House records for appointed and resigned Directors and key executives. 192.com uniquely merges these records with its edited Electoral Roll listings and Directory Enquiry listings to give a complete profile of an individual. In addition to the standard Directors information, you can also access additional profile information such as other household occupants and house price data.
How to Search Director Records
You can find Directors on 192.com either by searching by the person's name using the search form above or by searching via the company name in our Business Directory. All active companies will be listed on 192.com and include a list of current and previous directors and key executives. Any names listed will link directly through to their full Directors report.
People Finding Advice
If you're looking for someone anywhere in the UK, 192.com can give you the best advice on how to find them.
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