About us

192.com is a British website that was launched in 1997. We publish data about people, places, and businesses. Our database contains more than 700 million residential and business records across the UK, with many of these records free to search on our website.

We also have a wide range of premium services available on 192.com, including:

  • People search – find people’s addresses, phone numbers, and more
  • Edited UK Electoral registers from 2002 to present
  • Director Reports - directly from the Companies House records
  • Background reports – get a comprehensive profile of any UK-based individual

To find out more about 192.com, you can read some of our users' Reunited Stories and see what they have to say about their experience using 192.com. Or you can check our FAQs to help you make the most of using 192.com.

192.com Ltd referred to as "192.com"

4th Floor 4 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, England, WC2A 3AA.
Incorporated in England and Wales.
Company Registration Number 13207491
VAT No. 372 1500 29
Data Protection Number ZB013711.